Meet this week's curator, Tasha Bailey of @RealTalk.Therapist


I once heard that the job of a therapist is to hold a mirror up and allow us to see ourselves a bit more clearly. That’s why I couldn’t be more thrilled that our guest curator this week is the wonderful Tasha Bailey of @realtalk.therapist! Tasha is a Black British woman and an Integrative Psychotherapist from London, England. She works with both children & adults, guiding them in healing their trauma narratives using creativity and compassion. Her Instagram platform @RealTalk.Therapist is centered around radical self-love, healing, and intersectionality for all women. 

In Tasha’s channel you’ll find gems from Brené Brown and Maya Angelou, and topics like toxic positivity and the importance of rest. As we enter this new year, these topics are more important than ever.

We’re wishing you all a 2021 filled with ease, inner peace, fulfillment, and tons of joy. You deserve it.

Tasha - thank you for sharing your tools and resources with the Womaze community this week and for being a bright light in our world.

Womaze family, be sure to check out Tasha’s Instagram for more of her helpful and honest advice ✨
